. . . Because every picture has a story to tell.
Thank you for visiting. I think you will find my blog posts as varied as my photographic and personal interests--a few of which I hope also appeal you. - Tammy Russell-Rice CPP

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Pleasant Surprise!

Yesterday was a particularly stressful day for me. However, that all changed as if by magic upon receiving an unexpected email from one of my clients, Karen Anderson, for whom I had recently photographed her champion Collie.

In her note, Karen informed me that she had reserved a full page in the show catalog for the Collie Club of America's upcoming National Specialty featuring one of my portraits. Upon inspection, I also found a pleasant surprise in the form of a special "thank you" and plug for me?! Needless to say, it made my day and reminded me of why I chose photography as my occupation. It also is why I am writing to you all now...

Now more than ever, I feel privileged to be a photographer. And, it is because of clients like you and Karen that I continue to love what I do. In turn, it is my hope that I can bring some joy to your lives. Let me begin by saying those two magic words: THANK YOU for being clients of TRR Photography!

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